Leadership | Student development

Trinity is committed to developing student leaders and facilitating programs that contribute to a vibrant campus life. Through programs that you make possible, students become leaders by meeting new people, learning new skills, and creating lifelong memories by getting involved.

The Leadership Challenge (Account: Sports Management Fund)


The Leadership Challenge (also known as the five practices of exemplary leadership). This work is research-based and focuses on behaviors - in others words, things that can taught and learned. We have both used it in academic settings, as well as co-curricular leadership settings. At Trinity, this is a series of programming facilitated by a partnership between the Center for Career Services and Experiential Learning and Student Involvement. Philanthropic support enables these leadership development and networking opportunities to come to life for 30 student participants.



The Trinity Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society was established in 2012. ODK is a national leadership society that gives recognition and honor for exemplary scholarship and meritorious leadership/service in extracurricular activities (athletics; campus or community service; social and religious activities and campus government; journalism, speech, and the mass media; creative and performing arts).


ODK differs from other honors societies in that membership includes students, faculty, staff, and alumni. The organization's structure offers a unique opportunity for collaboration, mentoring, and extensive interactions between faculty, staff, and students.


Funding will be used for leadership programming for ODK members and the Trinity community.  


Greek Council (Account: Greek Council)

Student Involvement is committed to programming that trains fraternity and sorority leaders in team building, mentoring, and leadership. With approximately 25% of students involved in a local Greek chapter, the peer leadership opportunities are impactful including Greek U,a retreat at Mo Ranch in the Spring that includes Trinity staff and peer facilitators. This is a multi-day retreat that provides hands-on experience and immersion in developing leadership skills that will last a lifetime.


Philanthropy makes this retreat possible.


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