Leadership | Community Impact

HOPE Hall is a student-created mixed upper-class and first-year student living community.  In this hall, students develop a special sense of community with their classmates through service learning, volunteering in the San Antonio community for a minimum of two hours per week.


HOPE Hall serves beyond the borders of campus in order to discover how we might best impact a lifestyle different than our own.  We strive for excellence as we represent Trinity in the community. We treat individuals in HOPE Hall and the community with compassion and respect, celebrating their talents and strengths, all while cultivating a community within HOPE Hall, Trinity, and San Antonio.  



For more than 40 years, the Trinity University Volunteer Action Community (TUVAC) has served as Trinity’s volunteerism and community service muscle, providing helping hands and material support to humanitarian causes throughout campus, San Antonio, and beyond. TUVAC is one of the most visible ways the Trinity community extends its legacy of hope outside our skyline campus and into the world. Members gave 93,875 hours of community service last academic year. Philanthropy to TUVAC only extends this reach.


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