The 1869 Challenge is finished, but you can still support by making your gift at
Critical Funds

Critical funds provide meaningful support to the best and brightest students from all backgrounds who deserve a chance to have a Trinity education, regardless of their economic situations or the financial pressures that may arise during their time here.

  • Since 2010, Trinity’s Skyline Scholars (formerly the Summer Bridge) Program has given first-generation and underrepresented students a chance to come to campus early and transition to college life. These students begin their First Year Experience class and receive free housing, books, and meals during the program. They’re also introduced to the writing and time-management skills that are so critical to academic success. 
  • Trinity established the Necessity Fund in 2018 to provide first-year students with toiletries, linens, and essential items for day-to-day dorm living. Eligible students can opt-in, and the items will be waiting for them when they arrive at their residence hall on move-in day.
  • The Raymond Judd Student Emergency Fund, named in honor of Chaplain Emeritus Rev. Raymond Judd ’56, helps students who are challenged to afford and access necessary resources for remote learning, housing, transportation, and basic needs, or those who face other difficulties. 100% of these funds are available to support our students through graduation or during the next step in their journey. Funding decisions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Chapel, Student Life, and Counseling Services staff.

An anonymous alumna has pledged to give Trinity $10,000 if we can get another 100 donors by 11:59 PM!! LET'S GOOOOO!!!!
100 / 100 Donors
Alumni Club Showdown - Texas
Alumni Clubs in Texas compete on the leaderboard for bragging rights and $250 for the club.
Alumni, which Regional Club are you a member of?
Rank Answer Donors
1 San Antonio Alumni Club 210
2 North Texas Alumni Club 147
3 Houston Alumni Club 147
4 Austin Alumni Club 65
Which Parent Class has the most #TigerPride?
This challenge pits classes 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028 against each other to see who has the most donors during the 1869 Challenge. The winning parent class will be announced on the TU Parents Facebook page and the Parent Portal, plus it will be highlighted during Fall Family Weekend.
Current Parents, what year is your student?
Rank Answer Donors
1 2028 198
2 2027 171
3 2026 169
4 2025 142
Support Trinity Students!!
Once we hit 3,000 donors, we will unlock $35,000!!
3,000 / 3,000 Donors
Young Alumni Challenge
If 100 young alumni (2014-2024) make a gift, an additional $10,000 will be unlocked for Trinity students.
100 / 100 Donors
Parent Challenge
Dollar for Dollar Match! The Trinity University Parent Council challenges all Trinity Parents to make a gift to the fund of their choice. They will give Trinity $31,769 when Current Parents make gifts totaling $31,769.
$31,769 / $31,769 Raised
Grandparent Challenge
As one of their most ardent supporters, this challenge encourages these special family members to support their Tiger AND their peers. An anonymous grandparent of a current student will do a $2:$1 match up to $10,000 in support of Trinity students. Grandparents making a gift of $50 or more to the fund of their choice will receive a special Trinity University Grandparent decal. Grandparents giving $1,869 or more are invited to join us for a special breakfast during Fall Family Weekend and Parent Appreciation Weekend (PAW) for leadership donors and volunteers. Regardless of the amount of your gift, all Grandparent gifts will be matched 2 to 1 up to $10,000.
$5,000 / $5,000 Raised
BONUS Parent Challenge!
Tim and Erika Wendt P'19, P'23 challenge other Trinity University parents to make a gift to the fund of their choice. When 150 parents make a gift during the 1869 Challenge, they will unlock $25,000 for Trinity Students.
150 / 150 Donors
Greek Life- Top 3 Fraternities- Most Donors
The 3 Fraternities with the most donors will each receive 25 standards points to be used this Fall or this Spring.
ALUMNI- Were/are you a member of a Trinity fraternity or sorority? Let us know which one!
Rank Answer Donors
1 Triniteer Fraternity 46
2 Bengal Lancers Fraternity 39
3 Omega Phi Fraternity 30
4 Chi Delta Tau Fraternity 29
5 Kappa Kappa Delta Fraternity 26
6 Phi Sigma Chi Fraternity 13
7 Iota Chi Rho Fraternity 9
8 Alpha Psi Omega Alumni 8
ANOTHER BONUS Parent Challenge!!
An anonymous 2028 Family will make a $5000 donation in support of Trinity University students when 50 parents make a gift to the fund of their choice.
50 / 50 Donors
Greek Life- Most Donors
The Fraternity or Sorority with the most Unique Donors will win the honor of having LeeRoy the Tiger wear their jersey on Bid Day!
ALUMNI- Were/are you a member of a Trinity fraternity or sorority? Let us know which one!
Rank Answer Donors
1 Sigma Theta Tau Sorority 121
2 Spurs Sorority 107
3 Gamma Chi Delta Sorority 82
4 Triniteer Fraternity 46
5 Zeta Chi Sorority 41
6 Bengal Lancers Fraternity 39
7 Chi Beta Epsilon Sorority 35
8 Omega Phi Fraternity 30
9 Chi Delta Tau Fraternity 29
10 Kappa Kappa Delta Fraternity 26
11 Alpha Chi Lambda Sorority 24
12 Phi Delta Kappa Sorority 14
13 Phi Sigma Chi Fraternity 13
14 Iota Chi Rho Fraternity 9
15 Alpha Psi Omega Alumni 8
Alumni Club Showdown - Nationwide
Alumni clubs outside of Texas compete for bragging rights and $250 for the club.
Alumni, which Regional Club are you a member of?
Rank Answer Donors
1 Denver Alumni Club 48
2 Washington, D.C. Alumni Club 33
3 New York Alumni Club 29
4 Seattle Alumni Club 24
5 Atlanta Alumni Club 10
6 Albuquerque Alumni Club 9
7 St. Louis Alumni Club 5
BONUS Challenge to Support Trinity Students!
We hit 3,000 donors, but Tim and Erika Wendt P'19, P'23 have challenged us to find 250 more donors that will unlock $25,000 for our students!
3,250 / 3,250 Donors
Judd Student Emergency Fund Challenge
If 50 donors contribute to the Judd Student Emergency Fund, an additional $5,000 will be unlocked. This fund, named in honor of Chaplain Emeritus Rev. Raymond Judd ’56, supports students facing financial hardships related to remote learning, housing, transportation, and other essential needs. All funds are used directly to assist students through graduation or the next phase of their journey, with decisions made by Chapel, Student Life, and Counseling Services staff on a case-by-case basis.
50 / 50 Donors
Senior Class Giving Challenge
President Beasley has pledged $2,000 when 50 current seniors give during The 1869 Challenge. Seniors can give to any area of campus they choose, but President Beasley's match dollars will go toward scholarships.
50 / 50 Donors
Alumni Parent of a Current Student Challenge
Alumni Parent Challenge: An anonymous alumna who is also a current parent, challenges other alumni parents to make a gift to a fund of their choice. When 50 alumni parents make a gift during the challenge they will unlock a gift of $2500 in support of Trinity students.
50 / 50 Donors
Reunion Class Challenge
The reunion class with the most donors during the 1869 Challenge will get special recognition during Alumni Weekend in October.
Alumni, what is your class year?
Rank Answer Donors
1 1994 42
2 2009 40
3 1999 37
4 2004 35
5 2019 31
6 1989 23
7 2014 22
8 1979 17
9 1984 15
10 1974 7
Greek Life- Highest Dollar Amount
The Fraternity or Sorority who raises the most dollars during the 1869 Challenge will win free tacos at a club meeting delivered by LeeRoy the Tiger.
ALUMNI- Were/are you a member of a Trinity fraternity or sorority? Let us know which one!
Rank Answer Amount
1 Bengal Lancers Fraternity $32,382.97
2 Chi Delta Tau Fraternity $20,685.00
3 Spurs Sorority $18,860.48
4 Sigma Theta Tau Sorority $15,840.55
5 Gamma Chi Delta Sorority $15,556.07
6 Triniteer Fraternity $14,366.00
7 Omega Phi Fraternity $6,355.00
8 Chi Beta Epsilon Sorority $6,330.00
9 Phi Sigma Chi Fraternity $4,260.00
10 Kappa Kappa Delta Fraternity $3,855.00
11 Zeta Chi Sorority $2,947.05
12 Alpha Psi Omega Alumni $2,290.00
13 Iota Chi Rho Fraternity $1,485.55
14 Alpha Chi Lambda Sorority $1,300.09
15 Phi Delta Kappa Sorority $715.00
Greek Life- Top 3 Sororities- Most Donors
The Top 3 Sororities with the most donors will each receive 25 standards points to be used this Fall or this Spring.
ALUMNI- Were/are you a member of a Trinity fraternity or sorority? Let us know which one!
Rank Answer Donors
1 Sigma Theta Tau Sorority 121
2 Spurs Sorority 107
3 Gamma Chi Delta Sorority 82
4 Zeta Chi Sorority 41
5 Chi Beta Epsilon Sorority 35
6 Alpha Chi Lambda Sorority 24
7 Phi Delta Kappa Sorority 14
8 Delta Theta Nu Sorority 1
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