Chi Beta Epsilon

Being a Beta means so much more than a maroon jersey.  It means finding your tribe and your voice and yourself.  It requires growing as a leader and maturing as a friend.  And the connection lasts a LIFETIME.

On February 11th we will welcome PC'22 home.

Join us in supporting these young women with a gift to Greek Council's Dues Waiver Program or a gift to the Chi Beta Epsilon Foundation Scholarship Fund. 

Give the Gift of Greek Life and support a Beta TODAY!

Fraternity & Sorority Leaderboard
The club that has the most donors will win an ice cream social for its New Member Class the week after Spring Break!
What club do you represent?
Rank Answer Donors
1 Spurs Sorority 122
2 Zeta Chi Sorority 92
3 Gamma Chi Delta Sorority 84
4 Triniteer Fraternity 31
5 Sigma Theta Tau Sorority 27
6 Phi Sigma Chi Fraternity 23
7 Alpha Chi Lambda Sorority 15
8 Kappa Kappa Delta Fraternity 8
9 Chi Beta Epsilon Sorority 7
10 Iota Chi Rho Fraternity 6
11 Phi Delta Kappa Sorority 5
12 Chi Delta Tau Fraternity 4
13 Omega Phi Fraternity 4
14 Bengal Lancers Fraternity 4
Greek Council Donors
The club with the most donors specifically to Greek Council's Dues Waiver Program will earn a pizza party for their club at the first club meeting after Spring Break.
What club do you represent?
Rank Answer Donors
1 Gamma Chi Delta Sorority 69
2 Zeta Chi Sorority 59
3 Spurs Sorority 22
4 Sigma Theta Tau Sorority 14
5 Chi Delta Tau Fraternity 4
6 Chi Beta Epsilon Sorority 4
7 Kappa Kappa Delta Fraternity 3
8 Bengal Lancers Fraternity 2
9 Phi Delta Kappa Sorority 2
10 Omega Phi Fraternity 1
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